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my iPad. Just thought I would show you a couple of pictures of my homemade paper mache doll and what I have been hand sewing today.

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from my iPad
Hi just a short post to show you what I have been sewing today, and a picture of one of my homemade paper Mâché dolls.

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from my iPad

Lovely sunny day today and finished sewing, well till later.

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This is one of many paper mache dolls which I have been making over many months, I will post more over the neck few days.
This is my one of many paper mache dolls which I have been making over the last few months, hopefully i will post more pictures in the neck few day. But it looks like i am having trouble uploading them so please bear with me.xx
Its been such a long time since i have been on my blog,  to be quite honest i have forgotten how to upload pictures to it. So i am hoping this is going to work, i have had a big operation on my neck and still having problems with it so can only use the computer a few minutes. So have been spending most of my time hand sewing.